Everything You Need to Know About Steel Sheet Piling

Projects such as ports and bridges may require the steel sheet piles to be installed permanently to prevent the backfill soil from collapsing during the structure’s design life. On the other hand, building construction projects involving basements and/or deep excavations will require temporary excavation supports as the concrete basement walls are constructed. WHAT ARE STEEL SHEET PILES USED FOR? Steel sheet piles are slender structural members of varying lengths and cross sections, that are connected using interlocks at each end of the panel to make a continuous wall. Sheet piles are usually installed as part of an earth-retaining structure for slope protection, and excavation protection. Marine structures such as jetties and quay walls use sheet pile walls to retain the backfill soil used for raising the finished floor level of the docking areas. Sheet piles also help in the mitigation of rapid groundwater seepage for these types of projects. For most engineering projects, steel shee...